Wake up

to the enticing aroma of freshly baked pastries and a steaming cup of coffee, coaxing your senses awake in the gentle morning light. The tranquil melody of a loon resonates through the air, its melodic call inviting you to embrace the day ahead. As you gaze out over the expanse of sparkling waters, a vibrant splash captures your attention – an enthusiastic passenger diving into the ocean, their exuberance contagious as they revel in the freedom of a morning swim. Here, aboard the Tree of Life, the buzzing interruption of an alarm clock is replaced by the harmonious symphony of nature, and the only agenda is one of complete relaxation and tranquility. For on this vessel, the journey itself is the destination, where time slows, worries melt away, and everyday life feels a million miles from your thoughts.


will be served around 8AM every morning. The aromas from the chef's exquisite creations will gently wake your senses, inviting you to savor the flavors of the morning. Even if you happen to miss the designated breakfast time, you need not worry, as the chef will graciously set aside a plate for you. Once we have indulged in a hearty meal and satisfied our appetites, a sense of anticipation fills the air. As the morning fog gracefully dissipates, revealing the sparkling sea before us, and the warm and gentle summer breeze whispers through the rigging, the ship comes alive with an undeniable energy. It is time to embark on yet another unforgettable day of adventure and exploration. With the crew working in perfect harmony, we prepare to hoist the sails and weigh anchor, bidding farewell to the comforts of our anchorage. Each day presents new opportunities to discover hidden coves, encounter breathtaking marine life, and immerse ourselves in the inspiring beauty of the ocean.

From the

playful porpoises frolicking in the water to the majestic whales gracefully breaching the surface, the array of marine life is simply stunning. And let's not forget about the magnificent bald eagles soaring overhead, their wings gracefully spanning the sky. As we venture farther into the alluring landscape, we may even be lucky enough to spot adorable puffins darting across the water, their vibrant beaks adding a splash of color to the scene. And if we're really fortunate, we might even catch sight of a sunfish waving to us as we sail by, its peculiar shape and gentle demeanor making it a true marvel to behold. These incredible encounters with nature remind us that we are privileged to spend our summers in this truly one-of-a-kind, extraordinary part of the world.


on Sailing Yacht Tree of Life are not just any ordinary evenings; they are spent in our own private oasis, cocooned in tranquility. With a plethora of activities to indulge in, or simply just relax, our guests get to craft their perfect evening experience. Whether it's exploring ashore, curling up with a book, or diving into crystal-clear waters for a revitalizing swim, there are endless possibilities. As the golden hour approaches, the atmosphere becomes even more enchanting, as we gather on deck to enjoy a delightful dinner, complete with delicious food prepared by our skilled chef. Dessert follows, savored with a backdrop of the sun gracefully bidding adieu and the twinkling stars emerging one by one. As the night deepens, our guests are lulled into a peaceful slumber by the gentle sway of the yacht, nestled in our very own cove, far away from the traffic and hustle and bustle of everyday life.